How do I split a clip in Premiere Pro?

Hey there, Premiere Pro users! Are you tired of trying to figure out how to split a clip in Premiere Pro? Well, look no further because we’ve got you covered with this easy-to-follow guide on how to do just that. So, let’s dive in and split some clips like a pro!

Step 1: Select the clip

First things first, select the clip that you want to split in the timeline. You can do this by clicking on it with your mouse.

Step 2: Position the playhead

Next, position the playhead (the little blue triangle) to the point where you want to split the clip. You can do this by dragging the playhead along the timeline or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

How do I split a clip in Premiere Pro?

Step 3: Split A clip

Now, it’s time to split the clip! There are two ways you can do this:

Option 1: Right-click the clip and select "Split Clip"

This is the easiest way to split a clip. Simply right-click on the clip and select “Split Clip.” Premiere Pro will split the clip at the position of the playhead, creating two separate clips.

Option 2: Use the "Razor Tool"

The Razor Tool is another way to split a clip. You can find it in the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the Razor Tool and then click on the clip at the position where you want to split it. Premiere Pro will split the clip at that point, creating two separate clips.

Step 4: Adjust the clips

Now that you’ve split the clip, you may want to adjust the two separate clips. You can do this by dragging them along the timeline or by trimming them using the Trim Tool (the little bracket-looking icon in the toolbar).

And that’s it! You’ve successfully split a clip in Premiere Pro. It’s a simple process that can be done in just a few clicks. So, go ahead and give it a try on your own. Happy editing!